Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Your 2011 Report Card
As we approach the holiday season and the end of the year, it’s time to look back on the past 9 months and evaluate your goals and objectives.  Did you really achieve your goals or even some of them?  Are you becoming a better person, spouse, partner, or friend?  Remember that consistently asking yourself questions is the best way to get the right answers!  Here are ten  important questions to ask during your self-evaluation.

1.      What have been some of your biggest accomplishments this year?
2.      Are making more money or making less money?
3.      Does the relationship with your partner have the passion and joy you desire?
4.      Have you met your fitness goals, or done little to nothing fitness wise?
5.      Are you eating healthier?  Think what you’ve eaten in last 48 hours-Does that represent the past year?
6.      Have you given back to your community in any way?
7.      Have you paid down some debt or gone deeper into debt?
8.      Have you achieved your important goals and objectives, or are you lost?
9.      Have you improved your overall life quality for yourself and your loved ones?
10.  When you look in the mirror and think about all you have done this year, do you say “Yes” or “No”?

In order to truly enjoy these last two months of the year and have a joyous holiday, you need to analyze your answers to these ten questions.  Your mindset will determine your next steps and a positive attitude helps along the way.  The past does not equal the future and you must be determined to adjust your thought process in this way.

There is still time to make an impact in your life and close out the year on a very positive note.  Let’s go back to the previous ten questions and create a quick year-end closeout strategy for your life!

1.       Maybe your accomplishments were not big, but everyone has small little wins along the way.  Think of those little wins in a different light and learn from them.
2.      If you are one of the millions of people unemployed in the country it’s hard to look at this question without some level of disgust.  This is where you clearly say to yourself that the past does not equal the future! 
3.      Passion and desire starts with you being present in your relationship.  You can be together with your partner and not be present as you are listening, talking, and simply communication.  Start today by being present and communicating with your partner-see what happens.
4.      Fitness goals are often set at such a high level that when you are not perfect you feel like a failure.  Get moving, stop sitting, walk, run, jump and do something physical today.  Even some physical exercise releases those endorphins to pick up your mood.
5.      If the last 48 hours of food consumption scares you, then compound it over the past year.  Starting a diet headed into holiday is many times doomed for failure.  Monitor your food intake and think conscientiously about eating healthier.  Combined with your physical exercise will keep you focused to start the new year at the next level of a healthier you!
6.      Giving back can be most rewarding as the holidays approach.  If you have the means, try to give back to your community by making a donation or contributing your time.  Many families cannot enjoy the holidays due to poverty, illness, or even being the victim to one of the many natural disasters over the past year. 
7.      Paying down debt and saving money comes down to focus and discipline.  Create a detailed monthly budget as to what money comes in and what money goes out.  Scrutinize the detail and look for opportunity to save and begin the New Year on the right foot.  Your discipline will be tested when holiday gift-giving time comes.   Stay focused!
8.      Make sure that your goals and objectives are achievable in the given time.  But always remember that you cannot significantly change your life with taking some type of massive action towards that change.   Have you done that or are you status quo?  If you’ve continued to make the same mistakes during the past year, positive change is unlikely.
9.      Improving the quality of your life is directly proportional to you and your loved ones level of happiness.  Buying a yacht does not improve your quality of life if you and your loved ones continue to be unhappy.  Happiness is a positive state of well-being and contentment.  Does money determine your level of happiness?? If you answered yes then you should re-evaluate your priorities!!
10.  When you look in the mirror you have to like what you see.  See through the physical image in the glass and look deep into your inner self.  YOU have to like and nurture your inner self to make things happen.  Ever wonder why when you are boarding an airplane and the flight attendant says that if the cabin depressurizes and the oxygen mask drops, you must put the mask on yourself first before you assist a loved one.  Take time to care for and nurture your inner self, then you will be able to say YES to that image you see in the mirror.

Bring on the Holidays and an Awesome New Year!!!!!

Michelle Bianco is a New York based life coach specializing in awesome relationships, living your dream and goal setting. She has learned from her own personal challenges but now lives her life by her own design and with laser sharp focus.